Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Well, here I am, artistically-impaired with zero graphic design skills, typing my first blogpost.  I have been thinking since we had our first child and moved away from family that I should start a blog.  Here I am 3 years later, finally doing it.

Brian and I have been married for 8 plus years and have 3 beautiful children.  I know I'm not supposed to say that since they're mine but I really can't help myself.  I love them to pieces.

We have been through a lot of craziness in 2011.  A crazy winter while VERY pregnant with twins (and a wild 2 year old) and then their birth in March at 36 weeks and 2 days (to be exact).  We were living life with 3 under 2 1/2 years old(crazy but fun) when we received devastating news about our daughter Reese who was only 5 months old at the time.  She was diagnosed with a brain tumor on August 27.  For story, go here http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/reesestansfield. (You can make tributes/donations to caring bridge from the page if you want to support that nonprofit website--but don't feel obligated).   I am starting this Caring Bridge page kinda late in the game since it's now 5 months into this journey for us.  I mostly wanted to type our story somewhere, especially if it might be of help to someone else that is going through similar experience. I haven't really decided if I'm going to keep up the page because I don't think I have time or brain cells to keep things updated in 3 different places.  We have been well-supported and loved through this experience and we are so thankful for that.  Nonetheless, it is a long hard road.  Feeling scared for your child, trying to think for and missing your other kids, depending on others to help you and your family with EVERYTHING is tough.  I have personally considered getting a tanning lamp to put in Reese's hospital room because I need some light therapy....sitting in a dark room is not good for you (and I'm looking pretty pasty...hahah just kidding....well I am looking pasty but I'm not really worried about it ;)

Charlotte has recently turned 3 and she is entertainment.  I try so hard not to laugh when she says things (being serious) that crack me up.  I love it when kids start to talk and express their thoughts.  It's amazing what they remember and think about!

Philip is a human garbage disposal...as long as it isn't a bottle.  He is refusing his bottle like crazy because he would rather eat.  I guess we'll tough it out for a few more months.  He will drink sips from a sippy cup but not enough to get the formula that he needs in a day.  Oh, well!

Reese is very lively given her circumstances.  She says Dada with an occasional mama thrown in and is trying her best to sit up and interact with everyone.  She's a trooper and I can't wait to see what God will do through her little life.

Really what He will do with ALL of them!

Sooo, the title of the blog we got from one of Charlotte's first bible memory verses.  Seems appropriate for those reading the blog to "be with us wherever we go" but more importantly, as we walk with God and follow His plan for us, He promises to be with us wherever we go.  And it is absolutely beautiful coming from the lips of a child!