Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Free At Last!

Well, if you have seen the Stansfields out and about this week, you may have noticed something different about us!  We've been a COMPLETE family of 5 with 3 very special kiddos in tow!  Last Monday, Sept 24th, we got some EXCELLENT news that Reese's immune system had recovered to the 50% of normal mark....which means we get to treat her like a normal kid when it comes to exposure to the outside, food, people, etc!  I've been too busy to write because we have been "exposing" Reese to as much fun as we can manage with 3 kids age 3 and under!  I think our newest challenge has been figuring out how to keep two runners in line while toting Reese and our gear around out in the real world ;)

Reese has taken it all in stride.  She LOVES being out without her mask on and she loves smiling at everyone she sees.  I've taken my camera with me for all the new adventures and I'm quite certain everyone at Target wondered why in the world I was photographing my 18 month old's ride in the cart.  No one could have guessed that it was her first ever trip to Target and her first ride in a cart!

Though we've had a great week of fun, we will have to temper it some so that I can work with her at home on reaching key milestones, such as crawling/walking as well as work on eating with her.  She has eaten a little bit here and there but she still doesn't love it.  For the next 3 days, we will be doing a "challenge" where we reduce her Gtube feeds for a few days in order to stimulate some hunger and hopefully "flip the switch" to help her realize that eating is fun (and necessary).

Honestly, this week, I've identified a bit with the guy from Shawshank Redemption, who didn't quite know what to do with himself once he was freed from prison.  Though you dream about the chains coming off, they at the same time feel safe and familiar.  We've gone from no outside world, a mask, etc to "no restrictions, go treat her like a normal kid."  It makes me a little nervous but I'm trying to push through it.  We even went to church and put her in the nursery this past Sunday.  Of course, there were only 3 kids in  her nursery, which included her and her brother (living on the edge, I know!;)

Here are a few photos of our week of adventure.  Mommy is tired, but very happy!

First day of freedom=Reese's first wagon ride!

Charlotte always wants to be the "lion leader" aka the line leader.

Reese finally got to go to the fountain!

Philip driving the wagon.  Reese was completely trusting...poor girl!

And he's off! The boy loves to climb stairs.

Charlotte did a great job making sure the "babies" didn't fall off the bench!

First time all in the car for a trip to Chickfila.  Char was mad...about something...

Oh Happy Day! :) Didn't realize how many looks red-headed twins would get!

She's just happy to be out!

Little monkey paused for just a moment to smile for me.

Reese loved playing with herself! :)

Our big girl!

All 3 in the same general area for just a minute!

An aerial view

Philip did not get the memo about little kids not
 being able to climb up to the top and come down the slide.

She is the biggest Mommy's girl!

Reese likes the crazy faces game.

Charlotte and Philip were so excited about me taking more pictures.
Charlotte literally says, "I'm done with pictures now Mommy"

Some love for Daddy.

Philip climbed up on the couch on his own to snuggle with his big sister.

Reese's first trip to Target was a success!

A trip to the toy section to buy a gift.

What Philip might look like with a white moustache and gapped-up goatee.
I know you were all wondering.  

He doesn't want a sippy cup when big sister has a cup and straw.
After both he and I ended up wearing some milk,we "convinced" him
that a sippy cup was his only option.

Yay! Reese is with us!

Charlotte was in charge of our number at McAlisters!

Ice cream!  Too bad Reese didn't want any!

Mommy and Reesey at Sweetie's

Please note the progression of Philip sliding further and further away

This quickly spiraled into Charlotte and Philip running back and
forth on the bench, screaming while Brian and I tried to hold
Reese and clean ice cream up from everywhere.  Glad it wasn't very

A few shots from Charlotte's latest adventure: gymnastics! All
the other kids leave on their pants or shirts but Char
wants to be official (only in her leotard).

She loves it but she always wants to go first and be the "lion leader" aka the
line leader.  A concept that she learned in pre-school.  

We took the twins to get some fall shoes and our monkey climbed into
this train that was meant for decor, not our monkey boy!

Reese's first day in the nursery in over a year.  She did great, while her
brother cried at first.

Leaving church.

First church nametag.  Yeah, I'm ridiculous with my pic taking!