Monday, June 11, 2012

Airplanes, surprises, chicken fingers and Krispy Kremes

One day after my last post, I had my first long afternoon home with all 3 kiddos ALONE.  After a few potty mishaps, tantrums, attempts to keep everyone from injury, etc while taking care of Reese, I must have looked particularly haggard when Brian arrived home.  Both of us miss "normal" life stuff, like traveling, eating out as a complete family, going to church as a complete family, going for a walk, etc, etc.      Since we have transitioned out of inpatient life and I am home and inside almost every day, I have felt a mixed bag of things...."crazy" being one of them.  I was also stressed about finding a new babysitter to help me in the mornings after our awesome babysitter is finished working with us at the beginning of August. (Please pray for that for us!)  I had been trying to look online while the kids played quietly....hahahah

So Brian looked at me and said, "Why don't you go to your sister's baby shower this weekend?" (As in my sister in Georgia, 650+miles from our home Georgia).  I laughed initially but within an hour, we had a rough sketch of how this could work.  After some debate, it was decided that Philip could fly free with me, Brian's mom could pick me up at the airport, I could surprise my whole family on Saturday morning and I could fly back on Sunday.

We had Reese's clinic appt on Tuesday (the day after we hatched this crazy plan), so we decided to wait to make sure everything was good with her before I booked a flight.  We proceeded to have our best clinic appt in a long time because Reese had gained an entire POUND in one week and it was decided to stop her TPN for a week to see how she would do.  We were also given clearance to stop her fluconazole (a preventative medicine for transplant patients) on Sunday (Day 75 post transplant). If you've ever been chronically sick or taken care of a sick person, it is ALWAYS an exciting thing to simplify medications or step down the intensity of therapies (especially when it is done because the person is getting better).

After the appt, we decided that I was going.  Sounds easy, but this required lots of last minute booking of flights, moving of appts, Brian getting things covered at work so he could be home all weekend, etc.  After a 3 hour frenzy, I had a flight, Brian was covered, I had a ride home from the airport and a fun weekend planned.

Philip and I began our journey by getting up at 515am and going to the airport on Friday. I drove myself and rode the shuttle, etc.... something I rarely do alone and especially not with a child.  (I feel like a real woman now). Philip was so confused and overwhelmed but certainly enjoyed all the attention that a cute redheaded toddler receives.  Since Reese's diagnosis when they were 5 months old, he has ALWAYS slept in his bed for at least 2 naps a day and overnight.  He only leaves the house for 4 hours max at a time and he almost never misses a nap or a meal.  He eats, sleeps and plays at the same time.  He has never been apart from Charlotte and/or Reese for more than an hour or so.  He always has several familiar faces around him.  He is the king of his toys and his environment (as long as princess Charlotte isn't dominating...which is actually fairly often...ha).  All of these new sights and sounds were a bit crazy for him.  Charlotte had been on an airplane at least 5 times by the time she was his age and we were always dragging her around during her nap times, making her sleep in carseats, etc.  She slept in a pack in play, etc.
Philip hydrating for the flight

Long story short, Philip and I had some adventures.  I enjoyed one on one time with my little boy that usually gets taken care of by someone who is helping me because he just needs to be fed and loved (and kept from jumping off furniture). Charlotte demands my attention and Reese needs special care so this was a fun time for me to be with only him.  Philip on right, preparing equipment for takeoff.

Upon landing, Brian's mom picked us up and we headed straight to Krispy Kreme.  She is my partner in dessert crime.  This may be the secret to our good relationship :) I didn't even have to say anything because she knew.  We missed the "hot" sign by about 20 minutes but they were still delish!  From there, it was Zaxby's for lunch.  (I really did come to GA to see family but I really enjoyed all the fringe benefits.. ;)  We had fun hanging out and I headed to my hometown the next morning....Again BRIGHT and EARLY.  Philip was very freaked out by sleeping in a pack in play in a strange place so I cannot say sleep was one of the highlights of my trip...but I digress.

I surprised both sisters, my mom, my grandmother, and a whole host of aunts and cousins.  It was great to see them.  I got to see both my new nephews (one in each of my sister's tummies) due a month apart, hang out with my nearly 2 year old nephew and let Philip explore and enjoy where I grew up.  He warmed up to everyone fairly quickly and had a good time.

We headed back to Atlanta for our flight on Sunday and ended up being delayed by 2 hours on our trip home.  Fortunately, Brian's mom was with me so we just had an extended time at the airport and Philip was a champ.  He slept wonderfully on the plane, barely woke up for his transfer to the stroller and carseat and we made it home just after 11pm.  Everyone was super nice to the tired looking woman with a  baby (me), including an airline worker who helped me to my seat without being asked, folding my stroller and carrying my bag, the nice lady next to us who helped me off the plane and the people waiting for the shuttle who helped me get my stroller on the bus.

Back home at the ranch, Brian could not leave the house because Reese can't leave.  Charlotte enjoyed lots of arts and crafts (her daddy is better at this than me actually), a few good disney movies, and probably a few "special treats."  Reese was an ALL STAR and only got sick once the whole time I was gone....which has not happened in a LONG time.  Of course, she got sick 15 minutes after I got home (I wasn't even touching her) so Brian now blames me ;)  She was able to increase the volume of her feeds as well.  She has continued to do well today.  I'm excited to see how much she weighs tomorrow at clinic.

                                                                        Charlotte's artwork

Daddy's girls

Tomorrow she will get some long infusions of meds, etc. and I'm hopeful that that will go well.

I'm really tired from traveling over a short period of time with a child and stepping back into life today, but I'm glad for the chance to get to do something fun this weekend.  Very thankful for my husband's initiation of this and his willingness to stay inside for 3 long days with our 2 girls so I could go.


Philip walking the same path that Charlotte always does when she comes to visit Gran and Pepaw.
She wasn't even there to show him how.  I guess they have an explorer gene.  
Philip finally warmed up at the shower and making his rounds to meet all the ladies.
Looking up to his big cousin.
Thoroughly enjoying hanging out with the guys and looking at the big machines.
Talking to Pepaw
Hanging out with Aunts and Uncles
All of 4 of my parents' grandsons...2 in utero..
Loving Granny
Granny and Papa

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got to make that trip Mindy! Very proud of you, and I know it meant a lot to your family!
