Monday, March 26, 2012

Writing is so weird to me.  I love it and I hate it.  I love it because it can be such a release...and I hate it because I want it to be perfect and it drives me crazy when it isn't.  Sooo, I'm gonna try to enjoy this... :)

Yesterday was Valentine's Day and I wasn't really focused on the traditional lovey-dovey stuff.  I WAS very thankful for my husband and my children though.  There is something about the hard stuff that makes you appreciate the good stuff.  We don't have a perfect marriage and our children aren't perfect angels but we have such a rich life, full of blessings.  I don't see it everyday.  I don't appreciate it every day but yesterday I teared up multiple times thinking about my precious little family....and my precious bigger family...and my precious friends...and my precious community...

We got to go to church last Sunday night and the sermon covered Philippians 4:10-19 and contentment.  After that, I read a friend's blogpost about contentment. (Ok, so I should pay attention, I guess since I've now heard this twice ;)  As I heard and read these things, I thought to myself...I feel more content now than I did before this happened with Reese.  There is something about the hard stuff that makes you appreciate the good stuff.  In the middle of the passage is a phrase perhaps misused in Christianity (I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me).  It can be mis-used when people apply it in a "prosperity gospel" type of fashion...meaning, "If I believe enough or am good enough, God is going to give me a million dollars and make all my dreams come true.  I'll win the big game, etc etc"  This verse instead is right after Paul is talking about being content in his circumstances (which at the time was prison, hunger, want). 

Sometimes you just see things more clearly.  Other times, it's hard to muddle through it all and you just have to remember back to the time that it was clear and it made sense.  

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